Our Environment

Living, Learning and Growing at Berkeley Vale Community Preschool

Living, Learning and Growing at Berkeley Vale Community Preschool

Living, Learning and Growing at Berkeley Vale Community Preschool ∙ Living, Learning and Growing at Berkeley Vale Community Preschool ∙

Located adjacent to Kurraba Oval, Berkeley Vale Community Preschool is a community-owned establishment with a purpose built, open plan design. Our spacious and light- filled rooms offer a comfortable environment for children to learn and play.

Open Learning Environments

We have two rooms that are open learning environments during the morning free play. The children are free to move indoors and outdoors and resource their own learning. 

We view our learning environments as being the children’s third teacher. The first being the child’s family, the second being our educators and the third being the learning environments. Each of our room environments are set up to have a different learning focus. These being creative arts, STEM learning and sensory, language & cultural learning. 

Large blocks of unhurried time are incorporated into the flow of our day, allowing children to deeply explore materials and pursue their play interests. The children interact with and learn from their peers. We view the children as being competent, capable, and having a sense of agency, to determine their own learning.

The open learning environment is part of our commitment to providing an educational program which caters for each child’s individual needs, abilities and interests. Educators think deeply about their observations of learning and intentionally plan programs that will enrich your child’s early childhood experience and ultimately strengthen the relationship between the educators and your child.

The Outdoor Learning Environment

We believe strongly that children need to be outdoors, where there is fresh air and sunlight and exposure to seasonal changes. 

The play associated with the outdoor learning area has increased activity levels, and greater freedom to run, jump, climb. Children are encouraged to take risks, risk taking play develops resilience skills and helps children develop important coordination skills and muscle strength.

Through outdoor play there are opportunities for hands-on learning about physical forces and concepts, resulting in reduced stress levels, better moods, and improved concentration. 

We believe that outdoor play leads to more naturally attuned sleep rhythms, enhanced opportunities to learn social skills, overcome fears, and develop a lifelong connection with nature. 

See what else Berkeley Vale Community Preschool has to offer